Monday, 26 January 2009

Mood swings - not just for females

Isn't it amazing how the smallest of things can change your mood:

My prime example:

The background:
Due to my endeavour to get fit for Everest I now run home from work 3 or 4 days a week. My office is on the Aldwych and I run along the Strand and down to the Thames (these are all London landmarks, if you have not heard of them then please do some research).

The Detail:
I emerge from the office all decked out in running skins and bag snugly strapped to my back. My mind is focused at the task of running the 5 miles home and Chesney Hawkes'  "I am the one and only....." blares out of my headphones. I dodge through pedestrians like Brian Habana cuts through defenders, picking up pace and searching the road ahead for hazards. I start to feel good, impressed with myself for pounding the pavement again and having the mental strength not to just jump on the bus. And then it happens the moment that changes my mood in a split second..........

Swing Time:
A London Lite man jumps out and try's to hand me a paper. I give him a look as to say "look at how fast i am running how would I be able read a paper while travelling at this velocity?!!!!????!!!" He ignores my look and continues to offer me the paper as I pass him. From this moment until I have got passed Big Ben (you should all know where that is) I am in a foul mood, irate that i am not running fast enough to be a hazard to society if i were reading a newspaper.

It is the same guy everyday and unfortunately I have not spent the time to properly get to know him. But I truly hope that it is making his day and he has a private chuckle at my expense as I chug by.

My mood is changed by one small act from a person that should have no impact to my life. This shows that everyone can have a great effect on the people around you, even if you don't know that you are doing it. Hopefully therefore lots of good will come out of all the work that we are putting into this Everest expedition even if we do not see all the results.

Also it has meant that I am running faster and faster each week in an effort to not get offered a free London paper, which in the long run will help my fitness. If I do manage to get up to Base Camp and win a game of cricket I must remember to thank that London Lite man!!!!!


Darrell said...

Next time try route one bosh- In Japan Right....Keep it up!

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