Monday, 26 January 2009

Mood swings - not just for females

Isn't it amazing how the smallest of things can change your mood:

My prime example:

The background:
Due to my endeavour to get fit for Everest I now run home from work 3 or 4 days a week. My office is on the Aldwych and I run along the Strand and down to the Thames (these are all London landmarks, if you have not heard of them then please do some research).

The Detail:
I emerge from the office all decked out in running skins and bag snugly strapped to my back. My mind is focused at the task of running the 5 miles home and Chesney Hawkes'  "I am the one and only....." blares out of my headphones. I dodge through pedestrians like Brian Habana cuts through defenders, picking up pace and searching the road ahead for hazards. I start to feel good, impressed with myself for pounding the pavement again and having the mental strength not to just jump on the bus. And then it happens the moment that changes my mood in a split second..........

Swing Time:
A London Lite man jumps out and try's to hand me a paper. I give him a look as to say "look at how fast i am running how would I be able read a paper while travelling at this velocity?!!!!????!!!" He ignores my look and continues to offer me the paper as I pass him. From this moment until I have got passed Big Ben (you should all know where that is) I am in a foul mood, irate that i am not running fast enough to be a hazard to society if i were reading a newspaper.

It is the same guy everyday and unfortunately I have not spent the time to properly get to know him. But I truly hope that it is making his day and he has a private chuckle at my expense as I chug by.

My mood is changed by one small act from a person that should have no impact to my life. This shows that everyone can have a great effect on the people around you, even if you don't know that you are doing it. Hopefully therefore lots of good will come out of all the work that we are putting into this Everest expedition even if we do not see all the results.

Also it has meant that I am running faster and faster each week in an effort to not get offered a free London paper, which in the long run will help my fitness. If I do manage to get up to Base Camp and win a game of cricket I must remember to thank that London Lite man!!!!!

Sunday, 11 January 2009

The New Cilla Black

Well as some people already know I am running a speed dating night on Feb the 17th in London, in an attempt to raise money for the Himalayan Trust.
I am currently looking for single people to come along and find that special someone. Therefore if you know anyone that is in the market then please strongly urge them to contact me:

The more people from different sources the greater success the night will be, so please think hard about who may be interested and remind people that it is for a good cause.

The night is going to be held in the Alma in Wandsworth and tickets will cost £20, which includes a complementary drink and some fantastic company.

So start racking your brains for single males and females.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

What do Katie Price and a Camel have in common?......Each time you look the humps have changed

I have just got back from a great trip to Jordan and during my time in the dessert the age old question popped into my head "What came first the country or the model?" We all know all the details about the model - she is has all the attributes (typo in google images - should have been D cups) to make her a house hold name. The country is a little known middle eastern landmass with no substantial history or significance.

The conclusion is obvious - The country was named after the model.

My next questions were does Jordan deserve to have a country named after her and did they give her an appropriate country?

As I have been out of the country I have not checked the New Years honour list but I make the assumption the Jordan is now officially Dame Katie Price and rightly so!!!! Apart from walk on the moon there is nothing that she has not attempted, including applying for eurovision and to trying to ride in the London Olympics. I for one tip my hat to the lady, where else has someone with so little talent become so famous (Mike Tindall and Monty Panasar being the only major contenders)?

With this evidence some people may ask why does she only have one country named after her?

My personal option is that life could get a little confussing if multiple countries were called the same thing. ->

The county of Jordan could not better reflect Jordan the model. It has a couple of sizable mountains, orangy-brown in colour, very easy to get into and produces many multiracial citizens.

Just to let you know, Sugar and I have just been to Jordan for a week. We had 4 days of walking around the dessert (Wadi Rum) and Petra, which helped break in the hiking boots and get the blood flowing to the legs. Some pictures of our trip are down the side. As a destination it was really good and i could really recommend it. However after 3 meals a day for 7 days you will be unlikely to see me walking around Salisbury's with Pita bread in my shopping basket.

You may also be wondering what you do in Jordan on New Years Eve, well it turns out that what seems to happen is that the Bedouin tent that you are staying in has the roof collapse at 5 minutes to midnight, resulting in being evacuated from the dessert and staying in the office of a restaurant. Sounds a little different but it certainly was entertaining.

Thank you come again.